SE-BABS NIG LIMITED's Refinery Inputs

SE-BABS NIGERIA LIMITED had committed over very large capacity barrels a day of refining capacity in Africa/West Africa, giving us a comprehensive understanding of the short and medium-term challenges facing refiners, from sourcing optimal feedstock to managing the energy transition.

Refining & Shipping : We are in close contact with the worldwide trade community and we deal with major shippers, Producers, Refineries as we are Joint Venture supply partners for large allocation fuel products on huge importation into Africa / West Africa for local supplies and deliveries. We provide considerable services in the construction and maintenance of state of the art industrial storage facilities through our offshore JV trustees.

The Company over the years has acquired in-estimable experience and relationships in petroleum products marketing locally; and has recently signed a viable contract with a refinery based in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire for the importation of Automotive Gas Oil (AGO).

Downstream :We are focusing in downstream and distribution assets with over 5000 retail sites globally, as well as the associated infrastructure. We also supply jet fuel into wing at more than 100 airports worldwide through our dependable and trusted supply logistics and channels